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Zegama Idiazabal Beasain Ordizia Lazkao Amezketa Berastegi Villabona Zaldibia Errezil Urnieta Hernani Astigarraga Lasarte-Oria Tolosa Andoain Zestoa Oñati Zumarraga Azpeitia Loiola Azkoitia VITORIA-GASTEIZ Eskoriatza Aretxabaleta Arrasate Bergara Eibar Elgoibar Ermua Donostiako Aireportua Aeropuerto de San Sebastián Hondarribia Irun Errenteria Pasaia DONOSTIA SAN SEBASTIÁN Zarautz Getaria Zumaia Deba Mutriku Ondarroa Bilboko Aireportua Aeropuerto de Bilbao BILBAO
Elorrio Durango Oñati VITORIA - GAZTEIZ Durana Mendibil Arroiabe Ulibarri Landa Leintz-Gatzaga Eskoriatza Aretxabaleta Arrasate San Prudentzio Bergara Antzuola Eibar Soraluze Legazpi Zumarraga Ospitalea Elgoibar Ermua DONOSTIA / SAN SEBASTIÁN Zarautz Bilboko Aireportua / Aeropuerto de Bilbao BILBAO
Aia Usurbil Zumarraga Urretxu Zarautz Zumaia DONOSTIA / SAN SEBASTIÁN Aizarnazabal Zestoa Azpeitia Azkoitia Orio Getaria
DONOSTIA SAN SEBASTIÁN Urretxu Zumarraga Ermua Eibar Elgoibar Beizama Zarautz Tolosa Albiztur Bidania-Goiatz Errezil Aizarnazabal Zestoa Zumaia Azpeitia Azkoitia
Andoain Berastegi Elduain Berrobi Gaztelu Leaburu Belauntza Txarama Lizartza Orexa Bedaio Ugarte Abaltzisketa Amezketa Baliarrain Ikaztegieta Orendain Altzo Alegia Bidania-Goiatz Albiztur Hernialde Izaskun Irura Larraul Zizurkil Alkiza Anoeta Ibarra TOLOSA Asteasu Villabona Aduna Linea erregularrakLíneas regulares Eskaripeko lineak eta geltokiakLíneas y paradas bajo demanda
Durana Mendibil Arroiabe Ulibarri Landa Leintz-Gatzaga Lekeitio Berriatua VITORIA-GASTEIZ Arrasate Aretxabaleta Eskoriatza Elgeta Azkoitia Azpeitia Zestoa Amorebieta Durango Mallabia Zarautz Zumaia Itziar Mendaro Ondarroa Eibar Soraluze Bergara Elorregi Ermua Mutriku Deba Elgoibar DONOSTIA SAN SEBASTIÁN
Altza Garbera DONOSTIA SAN SEBASTIÁN P. Donibane P. San Pedro Lezo Oiartzun Ospitalea Hondarribia P. Antxo Irun Errenteria Donostiako Aireportua / Aeropuerto de San Sebastián Ospitaleak Ibaeta
U s u r b i l T o l o s a I r u ra V i l l a b o n a A n d o ai n U r n i e t a L a s a r t e - O r i a He r n a n i E r e ñ o z u A s t i g a r r a ga D o n o s t i a k o O s p i t a l e a k D ON O S T I A / S A N SE B A S T I Á N
Gabiria Mutiloa Zerain Zegama Segura Idiazabal Ihurre Olaberria Ataun Lazkao Zaldibia Gaintza Arama Altzaga Itsasondo Legorreta Ordizia Beasain Ormaiztegi Ezkio-Itsaso Zumarraga Hospital
Durango Abadiño Elorrio Elgeta Bergara Antzuola Zumarraga-Urretxu Ezkio-Itsaso Ormaiztegi Beasain Ordizia Itsasondo Legorreta Ikaztegieta Alegia Tolosa Irura Villabona Andoain Lasarte-Oria Zarautz BILBAO DONOSTIA SAN SEBASTIÁN VITORIA-GASTEIZ Bilboko Aireportua Aeropuerto de Bilbao





Frequently asked questions

What is Lurraldebus?

It is the combined image of the interurban public transport service dependent upon the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and provided by different operators.

How can I contact Lurraldebus?

By telephone: +34 900 300 340. Hours: 8:00-20:00, Monday to Sunday

By email: lurraldebus@lurraldebus.eus

Twitter: @lurraldebus

Facebook: lurraldebus

By ordinary mail: Departamento de Movilidad y Ordenación del Territorio. Plaza Julio Caro Baroja, 2, 4º. 20018. San Sebastián.

For information on lines and times, consult this website or directly contact the Lurraldebus Customer Service by calling 900 300 340.

For Mugi or Lurraldebus pass queries, claims or complaints:

By telephone: 943 000117.

By fax: 943 000 116.

By email: info@mugi.eus.

At our offices: Calle Easo, 74. 20006. San Sebastián.

What is the MUGI system?

From 4 March 2013, the current tariff system was unified and made available to all public transport in Gipuzkoa adhered to the system.

The system currently has only one support: the Mugi/Lurraldebus card.

Mugi/Lurraldebus card available: Lurraldebus services; Urban buses: Donostia / San Sebastián, Irun, Errenteria, Eibar, Zarautz, Arrasate, Hernani, Lasarte-Oria, Oiartzun, Oñati and Tolosa; Railway: Eusko Train and Renfe services in Gipuzkoa; outside Gipuzkoa with the fares of the Bat/Barik systems: Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz tram, Metro de Bilbao, urban bus of Vitoria-Gasteiz, interurban buses of Álava (AlavaBus) and funicular in Larreineta-Trapagaran.

What kind of passes are there in the MUGI system?

Ordinary: a personalised pass solely for use of the passholder.

Group: a personalised card indicating that its holder belongs to one of the groups established. It only enables payment by its holder and receives the corresponding discount when topped-up.

Anonymous: a non-personalised card offering the same advantages as the ordinary pass, but with no progressive discount. No matter what the number of journeys, the discount applied will correspond to the first 20 journeys made (45%). It can be used for several people to travel on some means of transport and can be used by different people. It is valid for 3 months from the moment it is topped up, but can be topped up at a later date and will recover its validity.

Can I have more than one pass in my name?

You can only have one pass in your name, whether it is Lurraldebus or Mugi.

Who runs the MUGI system?

The MUGI Integrated Ticketing Service of Gipuzkoa is a project promoted and run by the Gipuzkoa Regional Transport Authority (www.atgipuzkoa.com).

Where can I get more information about the Mugi pass?

On the website: www.mugipuzkoa.com and by calling: 943 00 01 17.

Can I travel by bus with pets?

Pets will only be permitted when the characteristics of the buses allow this and they are not wet or are in heat.

Only one animal per person will be permitted, and a maximum of two animals at a time may travel in the vehicle.

Dogs and cats of all breeds and types, except for potentially dangerous animals, are pets that are allowed to go on board the vehicle.

Can I travel on any bus line with animals?

Under no circumstances may animals travel on night services.

How must the animal travel?

Animals will preferably be carried in a cage, pet carrier or any other officially approved closed container, and must not occupy an extra seat next to their carer’s.

On vehicles that have a luggage hold, animals must travel in this, in a cage, pet carrier or any other officially approved closed container with a device that makes it possible to retain and remove excrement.  

How must dogs travel that are not carried in pet containers?

They may travel on board the vehicle as long as they are on a leash and wear a muzzle, and must remain at all times in physical contact with their carer.

When they travel they must have a health card issued by an officially recognised veterinary clinic and have a liability insurance policy, and meet the health, hygiene and safety conditions envisaged in current legislation.

The driving staff may ask for the animal’s health card.